Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hamlet and Macbeth: Walking a Mile in His Shakespearean Shoes

William Shakespeare penned approximately thirty-seven plays during his lifetime. In these plays, he created such characters as Romeo, Juliet, Henry V, Othello, Hamlet and Macbeth. These last two are the ones to be discussed today. Hamlet was a Danish prince whose uncle murdered his father and then married his widowed mother. Hamlet harbored a festering anger toward both of them which morphed into a spirit of revenge after being visited by the ghost of his father. The play revolves around the theme of taking revenge for wrongdoing, even if it involves committing a crime of his own. Macbeth, on the other hand, is a Scottish king who kills innocence to gain power, not to wreak vengeance on someone who did him wrong. In fact, Macbeth’s motives and actual actions reflect those of Hamlet’s nemesis, Claudius. However, Macbeth and Hamlet are connected by the common actions of killing and scheming. It is always interesting to see just how two different people would act in the same situation. In this case, the situation is that of the story of Hamlet, but Hamlet has been exchanged for Macbeth.

Scene 1

[In castle, Macbeth appears out of the fog.]

Macbeth: O cursed world where my poor father was killed by that vile serpent, Claudius. He that did drip venom into his ear has now married my mother—improper deeds! And that, worst of all is his usurpation of that which ought to have been mine, the throne!

[Enter Claudius, Macbeth becomes brighter.]

Macbeth: ah, beloved Claudius! How goes it with one such as you?

Claudius: Macbeth! It goeth well with me, yourself?

Macbeth:  I yet mourn my poor father—such unlucky fate! But aye, glad am I to have been favored with such a replacement to him as yourself!

Claudius: Thou dost flatter me too much, my son. Glad am I to have gained such a son as you. Enough chattering, though—let’s away to sup!

Scene 2

[enter Macbeth and Ophelia]

Ophelia: Macbeth! Why dost thou hesitate in your revenge? Your father was killed by the serpent, it is true, but far worse is the offense that he paid you by taking your rightful throne. Why not strike his head from his shoulders?

Macbeth: I feel the desire to do away with Claudius, it is true, but has he not treated me kindly? I would feel as if I murdered someone who thought of me as their son, as he may well think.

Ophelia:  Hast thou not always told me that in this world, a person can not afford mercy or feelings? Believe my woman’s intuition—Claudius will kill if you do not strike first.

Macbeth: Thou speakest the truth, though I feel that your words appeal to my baser feelings. I must keep minded that Claudius has done me great wrong, and all right is pushed aside in favor of vengeance.

Scene 3

[Ophelia and Macbeth meet, Macbeth is covered in blood, Ophelia helps him wash his hands off]

Macbeth: My hands will never get them clean, not an ocean can wash the blood of vengeance from my hands.

Ophelia: Harden thy heart, Macbeth. Every sane-minded man would say that you were in the right.

Macbeth: I feel that I should not have done it in secret surprise, but in open challenge, like a man.

Ophelia: Harden thy heart, Macbeth. Think as a victor, not a man.

Scene 4

Macbeth: Vengeance is the sole property of the One above, the Holy Writ says. Those who take such a deed into their own hands in such unmanly fashion reap the desserts. Ophelia, the one who spurred my intent has drowned, both in insanity and water. And now, I also perish, poisoned by order of the man that I killed. Life is ended for me with shame and punishment, surely a fate not destined for a prince of a country!


Yes, Macbeth and Hamlet each had differences in their plays as to motive and circumstance, but they were connected by the theme of killing and violence that was not theirs to employ. Their actions reaped dire consequence that eventually led to tragic ends for them--and almost everyone around them. While Macbeth’s motive was a lust for power, and Hamlet’s a lust for revenge, Shakespeare makes quite clear that fact that coldly premeditated violence is not a good solution, whatever the reason.

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